Helping enterprising people improve the world
The INOVIA Innovation Center was established on November 29, 2021 as an interest association of legal entities. The founding members are the Žilina self-governing region, the City of Žilina and the University of Žilina in Žilina. Its creation is a response to new trends from abroad – digitization and automation, rising demands for education, skills and creativity.
The basic goal of INOVIA is the development of the territory of the Žilina Region with an emphasis on the development of the innovation and business ecosystem, the creation of modern public services, as well as the development of creativity and entrepreneurship of young people.
The purpose of INOVIA is to fulfill the vision and goals of the regional innovation strategy reflected in the Program of Economic Development and Social Development of the Žilina Self-Governing Region with an emphasis on the support of innovation and the innovation ecosystem and the promotion, as well as the protection of the common interests and the coordination of the activities of its members.
INOVIA’s mission is to activate the potential of people, to connect and intensify the cooperation of local companies with research and educational institutions, especially with the University of Žilina, as well as with foreign companies. Its aim is also to keep students and skilled innovators in the region.
INOVIA helps existing companies overcome obstacles, providing services that support company growth and innovation, offering quality experts, advising owners or managers of companies to find the right ways to improve their product or service, to adjust the way of trading, to reach a new customer segment and how to achieve real improvements and increase company value through innovation.
In addition, INOVIA connects companies and research teams, makes the results of research and development visible, advises startups and spinoffs. At the same time, it provides comprehensive project consulting for local governments with a focus on the SMART agenda and the digitization of their processes and services.
INOVIA is currently actively building an innovation ecosystem and innovative know-how in the Žilina region. It seeks the proper partners from the region or from abroad and turns thoughts and ideas into genuine projects with real results. INOVIA is part of the multinational initiative CEE Startup Network.
More details (in Slovak):
- Statutes of the association (PDF)
- INOVIA press releases
- Articles about INOVIA